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​Compex Electrician Jobs in ​Didcot

Compex Electrician

In the engineering sector, a Compex Electrician specialises in the installation, inspection, and maintenance of electrical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres. This role is critical in ensuring safety and compliance in industries such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals. A Compex Electrician must have a comprehensive understanding of the standards and regulations governing explosive atmospheres, alongside strong technical skills in electrical engineering.

To work as a Compex Electrician, candidates need to hold a CompEx certification, which is specifically designed to cover the competencies required for working in hazardous environments. Additionally, qualifications in electrical engineering or a related field are beneficial.

Companies looking to hire a Compex Electrician prioritise candidates with previous experience in hazardous areas. Such experience showcases an individual's ability to apply their CompEx training effectively, ensuring the safe operation and maintenance of electrical systems in high-risk environments. A successful Compex Electrician combines this specialised knowledge with a commitment to safety, risk assessment, and adherence to strict industry standards.

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Didcot is a large village and civil parish in Oxfordshire, England. It lies on the River Thames, 4 miles west of Wantage, 16 miles north of Oxford and about 80 miles west of London. The town has a rich history, with iconic buildings and monuments dating back hundreds of years. There are many museums and galleries too, including the famous Didcot Railway Centre.

Didcot is a former coal mining community, but now has a range of industries including information technology, green energy and railways. The engineering sector has always played a major role in Didcot’s heritage and history. The town is home to many leading companies that offer an extensive range of services to customers across the globe, leading to it becoming a hub for UK manufacturing.

Didcot has good road links to London (M40), Oxford and other major UK cities such as Bristol and Birmingham.

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