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Procurement Specialist Jobs in Yorkshire

Procurement Specialist

​A Procurement Specialist in the engineering sector is responsible for overseeing purchasing activities and sourcing materials required for engineering projects. The role utilises supply chain management skills and an understanding of the engineering market to negotiate contracts, manage vendors and ensure cost-efficiency.

To excel in this field, you must possess sound understanding of procurement principles, excellent negotiation abilities, and a strong analytical mindset. Academic qualifications such as a degree (or equivalent) in engineering, business, or supply chain management are typically preferred when seeking work as a Procurement Specialist.

Prior experience in procurement, preferably within the engineering industry, is required. Employers search for Procurement Specialist candidates demonstrating solid supplier relationships, practical knowledge of purchasing strategies, and a record of achieving significant cost savings.

​view all procurement jobs


Yorkshire is a historic county in the North of England and remains the largest county in the United Kingdom. Yorkshire has a population of over 5 million which is divided across its many subdivisions such as West Yorkshire, North Yorkshire, and Leeds. Despite its many changes, Yorkshire has continued to be recognised as a cultural and geographic territory.