Building En Employer Value Proposition

Building an employer value proposition

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Building an employer value proposition

  • Publish Date: Posted about 1 year ago
  • Author: Rebecca Graves

With today’s job market so competitive, attracting and retaining high quality talent through an Employer Value Proposition is more important than ever – as NRL’s Egremont Director Rebecca Graves discusses with In-Cumbria business magazine.

An Employer Value Proposition (typically referred to as an EVP) defines what a company stands for, what it offers its employees, and why people should want to work there. Developing a clear EVP and making sure it’s central to an organisation’s recruitment strategy, can help set a business apart from the competition.

That’s because the Employer Value Proposition defines the company culture – how people interact with each other, their behaviours and the business’ approach to people management. As well as the company values, vision and mission – and how they connect with everyone within the business –giving employees a clear understanding of what they can expect from their employer and how they can expect to be treated.

It covers much more than culture though, extending to other key metrics that candidates measure potential employers against. Such as compensation, benefits, wellness and future career opportunities. These are the extras that candidates now look for in addition to their salary –including bonuses, pay equality, health and wellbeing benefits, and assurances to support the challenges life can throw at people. Together with insight into what opportunities there are to join training programmes, develop their careers and advance through formal training.

Where organisations engage recruitment partners to help them recruit temporary or specialist roles, it’s equally as important to ensure the EVP extends to every candidate – regardless of how they will be engaged. With the temporary contracting market more competitive than ever, ensuring an organisation can effectively promote key messages, such as their company culture and how they treat people, goes a long way to raise their profile within the contracting community.

However, developing an EVP can be a complex and time-consuming process that requires the involvement of multiple stakeholders within the company. With this task becoming a much bigger endeavour when it needs to extend across recruitment partners engaging temporary workers.

Engineering recruitment experts NRL have 40 years of experience working with companies to help them find the right talent. Working with clients to ensure recruitment strategies are developed in line with their EVP, whilst incorporating their contractor workforce.

For NRL’s Egremont based director Rebecca Graves, the Employer Value Proposition is top of the list of priorities when it comes to working with clients.

"An EVP is essential for companies looking to attract high quality candidates. At NRL, we work closely with our clients to understand their values, culture, and goals before working with them to ensure there is a clear EVP that reflects their business. This allows us to confidently tell candidates what they can expect when they join the business – whether that’s on a temporary or permanent basis. Developing comprehensive recruitment marketing campaigns that highlight this EVP and actively demonstrates the company’s values is crucial.

Keen to ensure that we’re doing our part as well to develop an attractive proposition, we have established a range of benefits that are available to our Pay As You Earn temporary workers – and actively support people management initiatives such as tackling inequality.”


If you’re looking for support developing an Employer Value Proposition for your business, then reach out to Rebecca on

You can read the full May issue of In-Cumbria business magazine online.