Time To Talk This Is Me

NRL’s Egremont branch support Cumbria’s This Is Me mental health campaign

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NRL’s Egremont branch support Cumbria’s This Is Me mental health campaign

  • Publish Date: Posted about 6 years ago
  • Author: Marketing Team

​NRL’s Egremont branch has thrown their support behind the This Is Me mental health campaign which the Cumbria Chamber of Commerce recently launched.

Working alongside Sellafield Ltd., the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, BAE Systems and Cumbria Police, the this Is Me mental health campaign is aimed at highlighting mental health illness in the region.

Statistics show that one in six British workers are affected by health problems such as depression, stress and anxiety each year.

Chief Executive of the council Rob Johnston, says,

“Mental ill health is the leading cause of sickness absence, costing employers an average of £1,035 per employee per year.

We hope that, through This is Me, we can reinforce this message and confront the stigma around mental ill health.”

NRL’s Branch Director Rebecca Graves was privileged to join more than 100 business leaders for the launch of the campaign – whilst colleagues back in the branch have also been supporting the campaign through social media.

Access to support

Cumbria Chamber of Commerce has compiled together a range of advice to help businesses manage mental health illness in the workplace.

Mental health charity Mind also provides a range of support guides on their website.

​view Support Guides

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