Career Advice From Wigan Recruitment Agency

What do recruiters look for in a candidate?

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What do recruiters look for in a candidate?

  • Publish Date: Posted about 4 years ago
  • Author: Marketing Team

​When looking for a new role, it can be difficult to know how you can make yourself stand out from other candidates. For those individuals who choose to work with a recruitment agency, making a good first impression is key to proving that you’ve got not only the skills for the job, but also a strong desire to work in the position you’ve applied for.

We asked some of our Wigan Recruitment Team what they look for in a candidate, to help you understand some of the not-so-obvious actions that can have a big impact on whether or not you secure the role.

The CV is key

Tim Millbank, Senior Recruitment Consultant

Obviously, the first introduction to a candidate we get is their CV, which is why it’s so vital that they bolster it with as much information as they can. Without a doubt, the most important area in a CV is the candidate’s previous experience, as this shows us the type of skills they have and how they have put them into action in other roles.

Some candidates don’t sell themselves well in this area, choosing to only list a couple of the previous positions they’ve been in. Instead, I’d recommend including every single position you’ve had, as well a brief overview of your responsibilities and the duration of each role – you never know when a client might recognise one of your previous employers and decide to interview you based on that past experience!

Timeliness sells your interest to the client

Recruitment Assistant

One of the best things you can do to impress a client is make sure you don’t leave them waiting too long to hear back from you. During the recruitment process, you will most likely be contacted a number of times to provide additional information, submit pieces of documentation or schedule availability for an interview.

At this point you need to remember that you are likely not the only person being contacted by the client. Making sure you respond to them or the agency they are working with as soon as possible shows the employer that you are genuinely interested in their particular role, whereas responding to them late or forcing them to chase you for an update has just the opposite effect.

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