Case Study Ras Ghareb Wind Farm 01

Case Study: Ras Ghareb Wind Farm

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Case Study: Ras Ghareb Wind Farm

  • Publish Date: Posted about 4 years ago
  • Author: Marketing Team

​Ras Ghareb Wind Farm is a 262.5MW near-shore wind project near the Gulf of Suez. It is the first independent power producer project (IPP) in Egypt, providing career opportunities for local workers in this fast-growing renewable energy sector.

About the project

The development of Ras Ghareb Wind Farm is an important milestone in the Egyptian Government’s ambitions to increase production of energy from renewables. Furthermore, the project supported regional economic growth and boosted local skills – successfully completed 6 weeks ahead of schedule.

To support the construction and production phases of this significant renewable energy project, NRL identified a number of local Egyptian workers to place in permanent roles to take charge of key responsibilities on-site.

Client feedback

The Ras Ghareb wind farm project is strategically important to support Egypt’s target to develop sustainable renewable energy sources. The project is the first Wind IPP in Egypt.

“During the project construction and operations mobilization phases, NRL provided valuable support for the recruitment of the company staff.
Thanks to NRL’s deep knowledge of the local Egyptian labour market, we successfully secured the recruitment of a number of key roles for the project, including Operations Managers, Civil Superintendents and Electrical Engineers.
In my quality of CEO of RGWE, I have witnessed NRL’s excellent responsiveness to our needs. The pre-selected candidates presented by NRL were all good candidates with all the required experience and qualifications. NRL further provided valuable advises in relation to local HR matters.
In conclusion, we are glad to recommend NRL to any organisation looking for support with their overseas projects.”

Miklós Almásy de Zsadány, Chief Executive Officer, Ras Ghareb Wind Energy SAE

Project Information

Name: Ras Ghareb Wind Farm

Estimated Investment: $400m

Location: Gulf of Suez, Egypt

Owners: New & Renewable Energy Authority (NREA)

Nature: Renewable Energy Wind Farm

Outcomes: Construction of a new 262.5 MW onshore windfarm

Developers: Ras Ghareb Wind Energy SAE was developed by ENGIE (France), Toyota Tsusho/Eurus (Japan) and Orascom Construction (Egypt) on a build-own-operate (BOO) model

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