Remote Working

Are remote jobs here to stay?

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Are remote jobs here to stay?

  • Publish Date: Posted over 2 years ago
  • Author: Marketing Team

Remote jobs rose in popularity following Government work from home directives and national lockdowns.

For some people who could do their job just as effectively from home, it began to pose a few questions - are remote jobs here to stay? Could hybrid working for employees become much more widely available as people returned to the workplace?

The remote working shift

Insight from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported in May 2022, showed that hybrid and remote working continues to be a popular choice, where workers are given the option by their employers.

Of those businesses planning to include an element of homeworking into their permanent business model, wellbeing and increased productivity were some of the main drivers for this shift. As well as the carbon emission reduction benefits and opportunities it opens up to recruit candidates from a much larger geographical base. So, it seems hybrid working is here to stay.

How remote jobs work

It’s always the employer’s decision as to whether they want to consider a fully remote or hybrid working agreement when filling their vacancies. There may however be an opportunity to speak to the recruiter and see whether the company would consider a remote candidate away from the office setting for the role. 

If you have the skills and expertise to excel in the role, and firmly believe that you could add value to the business whilst working from home, then it’s worth striking up a conversation. It may be that an organisation has strict rules in place around remote working, or they may be happy to be more flexible if they can access highly skilled candidates when they’re willing to make some accommodations.

If there is a medical reason why you’d be more comfortable and productive at home, then don’t be afraid to raise this with the recruiter as well, as often this won’t come across on your CV, so it’s important that prospective employers understand your personal needs.

Remote working for mums, dads, guardians and carers can also provide a great way of balancing work and everyday life. Being at home in case of an emergency, or a much shorter distance to collect children from childcare at the end of the day can help to make daily commitments feel more manageable. So, if you’re keen to explore how this could help with work life balance, then a short chat with your recruiter will help to understand how flexible your prospective employer would be.

If a fully remote or flexible working pattern is agreed, then the organisation will make sure you have the necessary IT equipment to be able to set-up at home.

You’ll just need to make sure you have a good internet connection and a permanent place in your home to work to ensure you remain focused. You’ll also need to consider the chair you’re using is supportive enough to avoid any health problems - and your screen, keyboard and mouse set-up won’t cause any unwelcomed aches and pains.

Where to find remote jobs

If you’ve decided that a full time remote or hybrid job is for you, and your role can be effectively delivered at home, then you’ll find options to search for remote jobs on most job boards.

Recruitment companies are also beginning to allow candidates to search for work from home opportunities when looking for relevant jobs, such as here on our website where you can filter for various remote working options available with our clients.

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